
hello, i am bermuda muda! i'm new to this!! i technically learned html when i was in highschool but i didnt pay much attention in school, so i'm a super noob!!

anyway, i'm bermuda muda! i'm a fulltime artist and hobby vtuber!!! i'm laplace's demon turned hikikomori!! its nice to be here!!

art by catboymech, thank you!!

right now, it is 10am, april 22nd. i woke up early today because i didnt sleep well last night. i had a super fun long stream, but i drank alcohol during it so i couldnt take my night time meds so my insomnia was really bad... but i dont regret it!! lots of people came and watched me and i had lots of fun!! but today i'm paying the price!

my tummy hurts, my body temp is all wacky and im so exhausted.. i'll take today off to draw some requests and relax some.

here's my twitter!.